Sports Are Fine For Body
They’re Fun And Keep You Fit
Ann Dvorak, center, introduces new beach sport, sand sledding.
Blanca Vischer, left, throws beach ball to Rosina Lawrence.
By Gladys Glad
“Americas Most Famous Beauty”
If you are at all up on your mythology, you probably are well acquainted with the story or Atalanta. This beautiful Greek lass, who had a great yen for outdoor sports, was a bit of a man-hater. She had a better eye for hunting than most men, and could outrun practically all of them. And so, when any suitors came along, she’d challenge them to race – the prize being herself if they won, and death if they didn’t. Most of them were killed, of course, until that one certain man came along. But they all thought the prize worth risking death for, as her indulgence on outdoor games had given Atalanta a glowing beauty of face and form that was unequaled.
I have noticed that women who begin a systematic exercising routine often neglect their exercises after the first furious spurt of ambition has worn away. And I’m inclined to think that it’s all because the find the various movements that they practice monotonous and boring. Of course, that usual daily dozen isn’t very inspiring. But I’m certain that if the forms of exercising women adopted were more enjoyable, they’d stick to them longer.
Season For Sports
This is certainly the season for enjoyable forms of exercise, for summertime means tennis, golf, horseback riding, hiking, swimming and two old sports that are new again for women of all ages – bicycling and roller-skating. Such sports generally give their participants a great deal of pleasure. And, in addition, they exercise the body most effectively.
Exercise All Muscles
Tennis-playing and swimming both afford general exercise for the body, as they bring into play the muscles of the entire body. Golfing and hiking are generally less inclusive, as they have the greatest effect on the waist, thighs and legs. While horseback-riding, roller-skating and bicycling benefit mostly the hips, buttocks and legs, and harden the muscles of the back and waist. Choose, or course, the sport that does the most for your own particular figure. But do indulge in some pleasurable for of exercise during the summer months. For you’ll not only derive a good deal of pleasure for it, but will also reap the benefits of increased shapeliness, health and youthful loveliness.